Reading in any foreign language is always an amazing hobby. It not only enlightens the capacity of the human brain but also helps in formulating concepts and unique ideas. The use of the internet made it easy to read books in any international language.
Here are some important tips to read any foreign language
Repeat the words you’re reading.
At the end of each sentence in a foreign language, read it twice. If you can’t understand the words, read the sentence again. Read slowly, taking as long as you need to make sure you understand the words. This will help you get the full benefit of reading, as well as developing your vocabulary.
Try to read slowly
It’s important to read slowly when reading in a foreign language. Reading slowly is much better than reading quickly. You can increase your reading speed by choosing a slower book to read. You can also choose a book that’s slightly easier than the language you’re learning. So you don’t get confused by any mistakes, and read slowly.
Make an effort to learn a few words at a time. You can read a few words in a foreign language, and make an effort to learn those words, before reading a sentence or a sentence full of them.
Read the story slowly
Sometimes the language and the story will follow the same pace, and you can read the whole story at once. Other times, you might not be able to read quickly enough, and it might be good to read at a slower pace, to understand what you’re reading.
Have a look around the room for pictures. For example, if you read French stories, look around the room to find pictures that feature people, or scenes from the story. And if you’re reading a story in Persian, look around the room for something that might be in the story, and point out the objects and objects that appear, to help you understand what the story is talking about.
After reading a story, look at a picture. You might need to read a few sentences, and then look around for a picture to represent what you’ve just read. It’s a good way to test what you’ve read, to see if it was accurate.
Try to create pictures from the story
If you liked reading a story, draw a picture of the scene from the story. Write down the details of what the picture showed. And then, write your own story about what happens in the picture. Write about it, and then put the details into your story.
Read a book in a different genre. It is a good idea to read a book in a different genre than what you read more often. Read a book in a fantasy genre, or read a book in a science fiction genre, and see how it feels. What types of language do you tend to use? Or what types of scenes do you usually read? If you like reading books that are about normal everyday life, maybe it would be interesting to read a book that has very unusual events or situations in it.
Read a book and take notes
Take notes on a few sentences you read. You might find it’s easier to remember what the words mean when you have something to look at when you’re reading, so keep a notebook with you.
If you’re reading a book in English, write down the word that you don’t understand, and then read the word again. Read it several times, and find a picture of what it’s written in English. So you can see what the word means in that picture. Read the word again, and see if it has any other meanings in the language.
Read the foreign word aloud
Look at a foreign word that you don’t understand, and speak it aloud. So when you’re in a foreign environment, it’s a good idea to speak a foreign word to see how you sound. Try to read a foreign book, before reading a novel in English. Read a few pages of a foreign book, and try to see if you can understand the story. If not, try reading a paragraph or a few sentences from a foreign novel, and see how that makes you feel.
Read a foreign book about something you do, and read a few pages or a paragraph from it, and then look at a picture of what you do. Read the description of what the foreign book is about, and try to imagine it happening to you.
Turn the foreign words into sentences, by reading the sentence, one at a time. Read a sentence, and then read it aloud. Then read the sentence, and look at a picture that represents the sentence. Try to read the sentence again.
In short, these tips have proven really helpful to the reader in any foreign language. Since we are living in a global village, books are easily available on the internet. This easy access made it possible to have better access to any book written in a foreign language. So, read new books and enlighten your brain with new concepts and wonderful imaginations.
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