The Relationship Between Culture and Books: How They Shape Our Lives

The Relationship Between Culture and Books

The relationship between culture and books is a hot debate these days. Human culture and society are closely linked with each other. It is widely considered that culture evolves from the set of beliefs , human interactions, and mutual behaviors of a particular social group, race, tribe, and ethnicity.

What is Culture?

Understanding culture is central to understanding any relationship, especially one that spans many years. In fact, even different cultures within a given culture are often vastly different. An American working in Singapore might not be aware that culturally Singaporeans might view such things as a quiet dinner in a well-rested house as a bit odd, while his Singaporean counterpart might consider that pretty normal.

Culture, in fact, affects how we live our lives every day. It influences our ability to think and feel, and to respond to the world around us. It provides the shared language that our children use to express themselves and their emotions. It also offers us a common ground that we can communicate from, even when we come from different backgrounds.

Cultural Differences and Challenges in Relationships

The relationship Between culture and books varies from society to society. Some of the cultural differences that can be challenging for couples have to do with communication. Here are some examples from other cultures.

Communication in Turkey

In Turkey, it’s not uncommon for people to have friends in all different professions, such as salesmen, shopkeepers, and waiters. People see these relationships as close to family and don’t hesitate to express affection for these friends in public or in private.

However, if a person in a romantic relationship sees his or her partner’s best friend outside of the marriage context, the couple is very likely to be seen as having an inappropriate relationship. Such a relationship is considered to be based on cheap sexuality and a lack of commitment to the relationship.

The Importance of Culture

According to Marcia Sadler and Alain Heissner, authors of Intercultural Relationships, “The impacts of culture on a relationship are unique to the culture and are affected by the people who are involved in the relationship.”

That said, the collective cultural values and expectations shared by a couple may have a significant impact on all aspects of their relationship, and their individual roles within it.

According to Sadler and Heissner, the cultural values that influence marriage often include religion, but not necessarily. For example, couples in the United States who have different religious affiliations may still be married.

Perhaps even more relevant to a relationship, both partners should respect one another’s values and beliefs, no matter where they come from.

Gender differences

According to Cynthia Wong and Terry Hill, professors at the University of California, San Francisco, men, and women place different values on certain things — with women more concerned with relating to social groups, such as friendship, and men more concerned with material wealth. And because of these differences, women want the best chance of a long-term relationship. But the success should emphasize what’s important to them. For example, they should strive to be more like their partner and respect his traditions, including his views on gender roles. Women should also do the same.

Experts say a couple can take steps to solve these gender differences, such as creating shared goals that will help both partners fulfill their values.

Economic Background

The idea that wealth is a necessary prerequisite for having the cultural tools to successfully negotiate and sustain a healthy marriage is a widespread belief. Wealth and money can help provide stability and even cushion the harshness of changing financial circumstances. The ability to purchase the cultural tools that are considered “culture-proof” is often important.

Cultural Differences

Cultural differences can be challenging for couples when it comes to money. Someone from a less developed culture may be unwilling to open a joint account or budget in the same way that their spouse from a different country may be. To be fair, there are several cultural and ethnic groups with whom you can do just fine spending money with each other.


In order to understand the notion of the relationship between culture and books, we need to explain it more precisely. It would be difficult to write an article in which an author discussed culture and books without addressing the topic of ethnicity. Following my own course of speaking about how ethnicity is treated in the literature, I’m looking at my own experience. In a broad sense, ethnicity often shapes the way cultures interact. However, cultural texts still reflect the mores and values of their authors.

Here I focus on my own experience as an American of mixed ancestry. I believe my cultural identity is shaped by my parents’ interracial relationship and subsequent divorce. For that matter, it is my parents’ interracial marriage that contributed to my own interracial relationships.

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